Autor Tema: Rafael Rafa Benitez  (Posjeta: 261922 )

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #15 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 13:49 »
Mislim da je najpametnija stvar koja je dosad uradjena produženje ugovora sa svim bitnim igracima.Pogledajte sta se desava u chelskom.Lampard nezadovoljan(mala mu plata) mogao bi otoci,Drogba nezna dal ce ostat slijedece godine(istice mu ugovor 2008),rado bi probo futbal izvan Engleske.Jest da nismo mnogo kupili(trenutno)al smo zadržali ekipu na okupu.

Offline Dubrava83

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #16 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 13:54 »
Sve to štima ali mislim da je Rafa prije mj. dana imao druge kombinacije u glavi.

Offline Lasko

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #17 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 14:30 »
Tevez stalno nešto sere, "uzbuđen" je ponudom Intera (koju odbije), zatim mu je primamljiva ponuda Arsenala, zatim priznaje da bi prešao u Chelsea, pa bi volio igrat za Real Madrid...ide mi na živce s njegovim stalnim izjavama i imam dojam da je vrlo, vrlo glupa osoba. Što se tiče Deca, prestar je i premekan za Premiership, ionako smo popunjeni u sredini veznog reda.
"For those of you watching in black and white, Liverpool are the team with the ball."

Offline Dubrava83

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #18 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 14:40 »
Nije bitno da li se igrač zove Deco ili Tevez. Bitno je to da Rafa sigurno nije razmišljao o kupnji nekih levata nego vjerovatno o nekakvim većim imenima! 

Offline Lasko

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #19 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 15:31 »
pa Simao i Torres su veća imena
"For those of you watching in black and white, Liverpool are the team with the ball."

Offline sladjo

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #20 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 15:38 »
Sve to štima ali mislim da je Rafa prije mj. dana imao druge kombinacije u glavi.

Ma cuo sam i ja da je imao neke glasove u glavi koji su mu se salno javljali.

Offline Dubrava83

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #21 : Srpanj 02, 2007, 15:58 »
Ma cuo sam i ja da je imao neke glasove u glavi koji su mu se salno javljali.

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #22 : Srpanj 03, 2007, 23:17 »
Bill Shankly - \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The socialism I believe in is not really politics; it is humanity, a way of living and sharing the rewards\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #23 : Srpanj 04, 2007, 14:18 »

Offline Vebbo

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #24 : Srpanj 06, 2007, 09:32 »
Rafa ima novi look!s ovom bradicom i brkovima izgleda ko pravi conquistador!:-)

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #25 : Srpanj 06, 2007, 14:38 »
 :D Moram priznat da ga iz prve nisam prepoznao na slici sa Torresom  :D

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #26 : Srpanj 06, 2007, 14:53 »
haha meni lici na onog mafijasa u 40 godinama , lud je do bola !!!

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #27 : Srpanj 06, 2007, 15:05 »
mislim da ako uspije dovesti dva wingera koja želi , a vrlo smo blizu tome( valjda je i američka lova pomogla  :p ) , imat će prvi put ekipu kakvu je baš htio , i mislim da ove sezone neće moći biti isprika za možebitnu loš(ij)u igru , ne kažem da ćemo osvojiti prvenstvo , ali mislim da do samog kraja moramo konkurirati za naslov
So where does Dalglish rank in football history? Well, there's Maradona, who is another in a category of one. After Maradona comes a group-Pele, Cruyff, etc. Globaly, Dalglish is in the rank below. Between the decline of Cruyff and the emergence of Maradona-the Scot was the best player in the world.

Offline red till dead

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #28 : Srpanj 07, 2007, 12:50 »
Rafael Benitez is hopeful of more new arrivals at Anfield after he snapped up Fernando Torres for a club record transfer fee.
The Liverpool manager revealed hard work is going on behind the scenes as he tries to strengthen his squad and, in particular, Liverpool's wide areas.
"As always we are working hard trying to find good players to strengthen the squad," said Benitez.
"We have signed Torres and we will continue working with our other targets. It's clear we need to improve the squad if we want to be title contenders.
"With the signing of Fernando we will improve but we still need to bring more players in. We have some names in mind but especially we are looking for wingers. When you talk about the Premier League it's nine months and you need to have a big squad."
So where does Dalglish rank in football history? Well, there's Maradona, who is another in a category of one. After Maradona comes a group-Pele, Cruyff, etc. Globaly, Dalglish is in the rank below. Between the decline of Cruyff and the emergence of Maradona-the Scot was the best player in the world.

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Odg: Rafael Rafa Benitez
« Odgovori #29 : Srpanj 15, 2007, 09:02 »
malo kocimo u ambicijama:
"I don't know, however, if it will be enough for winning the title. Manchester United won the title and are spending more money than anyone.
"Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham are also spending lots of money but at least we are competing with these teams in the market and that is important.
Osim trenera odgovornost za partije koje su bile ispod očekivanja, moraju snositi i igrači. Ne sporedni, nego oni najvažniji. Ako se netko naziva nositeljem igre, onda je to zato jer momčadi odlazi tamo gdje je taj igrač, ili ti igrači, odvedu... najbolji igrači određuju gornji limit momčadi!!!