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« Odgovori #1830 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 10:27 »
Liverpool will part company with throw-in coach Thomas Gronnemark at the end of the season.

The 47-year-old Dane has worked with Jurgen Klopp’s squad for the past five years but his contract won’t be renewed when it expires this summer.

The parting of the ways is understood to be amicable, with Gronnemark informing Liverpool he wanted more time on the training field with the players if he was going to continue in the role next season. Klopp and his staff decided against sanctioning that request.

Gronnemark, who works for a number of other clubs including Dutch giants Ajax, MLS side Philadelphia Union and French Cup winners Toulouse, spent a week at the AXA Training Centre last month but that was his first visit since pre-season last July.

His trips to Merseyside have become increasingly infrequent with his work for Liverpool largely centred around sending the coaching staff an analysis report on offensive and defensive throw-ins after each game.

“I won’t be working for Liverpool beyond this season and I didn’t decide that myself, it was a club decision,” Gronnemark tells The Athletic.

“But I respect that decision and I’ll always be grateful for the amazing opportunity Jurgen gave me.

“In the first two seasons, I had four or five visits to Liverpool each season, spending a week working with the players each time. That was fantastic because it meant I was able to do a lot with them and we had great results with winning the Champions League and the Premier League title.

“But then Covid-19 happened and with the travel restrictions and the crazy schedule for the players, it became very hard for me to visit the UK and spend the same amount of time with them at the training ground. Last season I only had two visits and when I spent time at Kirkby recently that was the first time for 10 months.

“I told the club that I felt the best solution for next season was to increase the number of visits to give me the chance to work deeper with the players. The second best solution was not continuing at Liverpool Football Club because I can’t have a proper influence going so long between visits.

“The response from the club was that they didn’t think going back to four or five visits a season would be possible and that they will try to work with the throw-ins themselves going forward. I’ll always be proud to say I worked for Liverpool Football Club.”

Kako tip napravi karijeru a mi niti jednu akciju iz auta stvorili nismo.... :lud
You're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder !

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« Odgovori #1831 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 10:34 »
Keita ga preporučio za posao garant.
19 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 3 + 4 + 1

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« Odgovori #1832 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 11:16 »
Češće se događalo da nama siju paniku nakon ubačaja iz auta, nego obratno. Zadnji je bio relativno friško, Issa Diop (mislim) u utakmici protiv Fulhama.

Ah, uspomene na Stoke i Roryja Delapa, kako je to frustrirajuće bilo :D
"Ja sam Vuco, ja sam hodajući spomenik. Ja sam Liverpool, čoviče, ja nisam pjevač, ja sam Liverpool."

Offline gento

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« Odgovori #1833 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 11:30 »
Češće se događalo da nama siju paniku nakon ubačaja iz auta, nego obratno. Zadnji je bio relativno friško, Issa Diop (mislim) u utakmici protiv Fulhama.

Ah, uspomene na Stoke i Roryja Delapa, kako je to frustrirajuće bilo :D

Istina. Prije njih nas je Forest maltretirao i stvarao paniku iz doslovno svakog auta. Čudo kako nismo popušili 3.

S tim da ima neka statistika (nedavno sam to pročitao samo nisam siguran ako je izvor "twitter" ili Lijndersova knjiga) prema kojoj smo najbolja momčad "iz auta" posljednjih godina, ali nemam pojma kako to računaju. Mislim da se kod napadačkog auta ne gledaju samo stvorene šanse direktno iz auta nego zadržavanje lopte nakon što je ubacimo i onda dolaženje u šansu unutar određenog broja dodavanja, a kod obrambenog oduzimanje i kontroliranje lopte unutar odeđenog broja dodira.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

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« Odgovori #1834 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 11:39 »
Istina. Prije njih nas je Forest maltretirao i stvarao paniku iz doslovno svakog auta. Čudo kako nismo popušili 3.

S tim da ima neka statistika (nedavno sam to pročitao samo nisam siguran ako je izvor "twitter" ili Lijndersova knjiga) prema kojoj smo najbolja momčad "iz auta" posljednjih godina, ali nemam pojma kako to računaju. Mislim da se kod napadačkog auta ne gledaju samo stvorene šanse direktno iz auta nego zadržavanje lopte nakon što je ubacimo i onda dolaženje u šansu unutar određenog broja dodavanja, a kod obrambenog oduzimanje i kontroliranje lopte unutar odeđenog broja dodira.

Nipošto ne bih želio da postanemo ekipa kojoj je forte gužva u 16-ercu i kreiranje prilika nakon ubačaja sa strane, ali ako dovedeš trenera koji je specijalist za to, onda bi logično bilo za očekivati da barem 3-4 gola u sezoni postignemo na taj način.
Možda griješim, al ne sjećam se ni jednog.
"Ja sam Vuco, ja sam hodajući spomenik. Ja sam Liverpool, čoviče, ja nisam pjevač, ja sam Liverpool."

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« Odgovori #1835 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 14:17 »
Ne znam ja, u periodu kad je trener za aute češće dolazio na treninge, osvojili se liga prvaka i premiership. Prorijedili se dolasci, prorijedili se trofeji. Pa vi recite da je to slučajnost.  :D

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« Odgovori #1836 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 14:20 »
Nipošto ne bih želio da postanemo ekipa kojoj je forte gužva u 16-ercu i kreiranje prilika nakon ubačaja sa strane, ali ako dovedeš trenera koji je specijalist za to, onda bi logično bilo za očekivati da barem 3-4 gola u sezoni postignemo na taj način.
Možda griješim, al ne sjećam se ni jednog.
Baš to!
Znao sam da će se sve svesti na neku jadnu statistiku gdje smo zadržali posjed nakon auta...ali boli me patka za to. Ako si plaćen za tu prevaru, jer se to nemože zvati poslom, onda očekujem neko iznenađenje, barem jedno u sezoni, barem jedan lagani gol kojeg nitko nije očekivao. Prevara je tu već 3-4 godine a mi šansu nismo preko auta stvorili.
You're gonna eat lightning and you're gonna crap thunder !

Offline Monello

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« Odgovori #1837 : Svibanj 11, 2023, 16:12 »
vi ste ljudi u corsokaku i uporno i konstantno krivite pogresne ljude,
covjek je tu i previse godina i nema uopce opravdan smisao kod nas , bas kao i keita i ox i jos neki koji bezveze sisaju budjet kluba a od njih nikakve koristi i to nije sporno.

al je sporno to sto svi znamo
ko odlucuje i ko je odgovoran za trenere , strucni stozer igrace ugovore i sve ostalo i kome je uopce palo na pamet da angazira ovog lika.

kritike i pohvale  trebaju ici na tu adresu u taj ured, bas tu gdje klopp odlucuje i o novom sportskom direktoru koji ce uskoro doci.
'Winners Are Not Those Who Never Fail, But Those Who Never Quit'.

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« Odgovori #1838 : Svibanj 12, 2023, 10:25 »
🚨 NEW: Data from Liverpool's throw-in coach Thomas Gronnemark’s shows Liverpool were 18th in the Premier League in 2017-18 with a success rate of just 45.4 per cent when it came to keeping possession from their throw-ins under pressure. #lfc [james pearce - the athletic]

By the end of his first season, which culminated in Champions League glory, Liverpool were leading the way with a success rate of 68.4 per cent. Jurgen Klopp’s men went on to score 13 goals from throw-ins during the title-winning campaign of 2019-20

Gronnemark: "Over the past five seasons, Liverpool have scored between 10 and 15 goals per season from throw-in situations. Mostly from ours but also some from opponents’ throws. It’s so satisfying when that happens."

Gronnemark: "In my first two seasons our throw-ins were really great. That was when I was working with the players face to face for a week four or five times a season. Then things changed due to Covid and they never went back to how they were. I only had two visits last season."

Gronnemark: "I was at the training ground a few weeks ago but that was the first time since last July. When you go 10 months without seeing players, you then spend a lot of time doing recaps, so you cannot really work on new stuff. From my perspective, it was a bit frustrating."

Gronnemark: "I feel I can have my biggest influence out on the pitch. I was clear with the club that I felt their throw-in level had gone from great to good this season. If you look at the recent game against Nottingham Forest, the team conceded from bad situations at throw-ins."

Gronnemark: "Going from great to good is not satisfactory for me. I told the club that I felt the best solution was to increase the number of visits next season so I could work deeper with the players. The second best solution was not continuing at LFC."

Gronnemark: "The response from the club was that they didn’t think going back to four or five visits a season would be possible. I’m not angry, I respect their decision and I’ll always be thankful for the amazing opportunity they gave me.”
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

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« Odgovori #1839 : Svibanj 14, 2023, 23:52 »
Liverpool's head of loans, David Woodfine, is to step down at the end of the season. Matt Newberry, head of academy recruitment, to take over duties for summer transfer window.

Na svim razinama tražimo nešto novo.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

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« Odgovori #1840 : Svibanj 15, 2023, 08:09 »
Čuj, dugo smo bili u "leru", vrijem je da se malo pomaknemo na svim razinama tako da me ne čudi što se trenutno događa, mada, opet, neke odluke su mi nejasne kao i većini vas.

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« Odgovori #1841 : Svibanj 22, 2023, 14:10 »

Jörg Schmadtke will sign a short-term deal to become Liverpool’s new sporting director this week.

The 59-year-old is coming out of retirement to work alongside Jürgen Klopp as the club prepares for a crucial summer, when they will look to make a number of strategic signings.

Schmadtke left Wolfsburg in January but has been enticed back into football by the prospect of working at Liverpool. He is replacing the outgoing sporting director Julian Ward, who was officially in the role for a year. The deal will come with an option to extend should both parties be happy.

Klopp, the Liverpool manager, has known Schmadtke, a former goalkeeper with Fortuna Dusseldorf and Freiburg, for a number of years but denied that it is an appointment solely based on the two being acquaintances.

“If it happens, it would not be a Jürgen Klopp signing because we are both German or both know each other,” Klopp said Friday. “That would have nothing to do with it. I can say that.

“Jörg Schmadtke, I have known for a long, long time. He knows me probably not as long as I know him, because he was a much better player, but we started in a similar moment our second career.

“I became a coach at Mainz and he became sporting director at Aachen — two teams of similar status, so from there we know each other a little bit.

“I know he is a good guy and a smart guy. Very good at what he did in Germany, definitely, very successful. His character is good, his personality is good, his humour is good. I know that from a few moments next to the pitch.”

Schmadtke will work closely with the head of recruitment, Dave Fallows, and chief scout, Barry Hunter, with Liverpool seeking reinforcements in midfield — Alexis Mac Allister and Mason Mount are targets — while Klopp is also interested in defensive signings.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

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« Odgovori #1842 : Svibanj 23, 2023, 16:10 »
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Offline gento

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« Odgovori #1843 : Svibanj 23, 2023, 16:31 »
News #Schmadtke: It’s almost done but NOT signed yet. But the former Wolfsburg boss will become the new transfer boss of #LFC. Mainly focused on the German market. Top relation between him and Klopp for years.

Last details have to be clarified confirmed. His wife has given the green light

Znamo koju metu s njemačkog tržišta? :D
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

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« Odgovori #1844 : Svibanj 23, 2023, 19:18 »
Last details have to be clarified confirmed. His wife has given the green light

Ovo je od krucijalnog znacaja.. :D