Autor Tema: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo  (Posjeta: 3293 )

0 Članova i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.

Offline Marijo

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #15 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:24 »
Tsimikas je tragicno los fudbaler

A danas ih ima nekoliko gorih

Jebo ti ovakve ofsajde
"Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up!Do not despair.
Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!"

Muammar Gaddafi, 06.10.2011

Offline luigi

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #16 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:27 »
A danas ih ima nekoliko gorih

Jebo ti ovakve ofsajde
Bgm nema, sve preko njegove strane dolazi. A gol bi bio ponisten i zbog faula Tsimikasa i da nije bilo offsidea

Offline Marijo

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #17 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:30 »
Bgm nema, sve preko njegove strane dolazi. A gol bi bio ponisten i zbog faula Tsimikasa i da nije bilo offsidea

Kakav faul, čisto ispucana lopta

Pa evo ti par lošijih danas: Salah, Trent, Szoboszlai, Endo

Treba još?
"Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up!Do not despair.
Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!"

Muammar Gaddafi, 06.10.2011

Offline Luis Garcai

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #18 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:30 »
2 gola Nuneza oba ponistena. Steta. Iz
Move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well - That is the turtle master way! One master those arts for health in mind and body, for the ability to live one's life as courageously, uniquely, and energetically as one wishes!

Offline luigi

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #19 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:31 »
Kakav faul, čisto ispucana lopta

Pa evo ti par lošijih danas: Salah, Trent, Szoboszlai, Endo

Treba još?
Tebi je Salah po automatizmu uvijek najlosiji. I ne znam sta se bunis bio je u offsideu cistom.

Offline luigi

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #20 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:32 »
2 gola Nuneza oba ponistena. Steta. Iz
Da ne spava u offsideu ne bi se to desavalo

Offline Marijo

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #21 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:36 »
Čovjek spava u ofsajdu…ono ofsajd 3cm nakon odbijanca :lol

Salah užasan, baš užasan
"Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up!Do not despair.
Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!"

Muammar Gaddafi, 06.10.2011

Offline luigi

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #22 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:38 »
Salah igra skoro desnog beka time zrtvujemo njega i Trenta, a sve zarad igraca koji nikad nece dati 20 golova u ligi. Masterclass Kloppa

Offline Shankly1913

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #23 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:40 »
Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes,
of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass.
It is terribly simple.

Offline luigi

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #24 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:40 »
Ovako se ziceri koriste.

Offline lukari

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #25 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:40 »
Kralj asistencija  :p
“When I die, don't bring me to hospital. Bring me to Anfield. I was born there and will die there.” - Steven Gerrard ♥

Offline Marijo

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #26 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:41 »
Evo njih dvojica  :D

Super asist, super realizacija
"Even if there comes a time when you do not hear my voice, do not give up!Do not despair.
Do not stop fighting for your freedom until you have victory!"

Muammar Gaddafi, 06.10.2011

Offline gento

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #27 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:41 »
Ovako se ziceri koriste.

Ruka bi ti se slomila da sad nešto pozitivno napišeš. Danas je odličan.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Offline Shankly1913

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #28 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:41 »
Odličan Darwin danas  :super
Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes,
of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass.
It is terribly simple.

Offline luigi

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Odg: Liverpool - Brentford, Premier league - 12. kolo
« Odgovori #29 : Studeni 12, 2023, 15:42 »
Ruka bi ti se slomila da sad nešto pozitivno napišeš. Danas je odličan.
Ovo je bilo pozitivno.
Pa jeste Darwin dobar, on uvijek izgleda lively, to mu ne mogu oduzeti