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0 Članova i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.
Gol i asistencija neupitno najboljeg igraca u historiji kluba. Ima on u sebi bar jos 4-5 sezona gdje ce imati oko 40-45 G + A.Ovi sto retardi sto pricaju da je preplaćen, za njih Ygritte ima neke riječi pa nek joj se jave
ide džaba na kraju sezone, šteta, jer ima u sebi bar još 3 elitne sezone
Melissa ReddyMy understanding is Mo Salah’s preference is to remain at Liverpool but it is not his job to push for that. His performances speak for itself.Salah believes he still has a few years at the highest level, competing for top prizes while breaking records.It is significant that no-one at Liverpool has approached him yet to discuss a new contract. Why would the club wait so long to start the process if they want to keep Salah?